Finding Your Confidence

How comfortable are you in front of a camera? If your answer is not very, you’re not alone. An intimate, sensual shoot can make people feel exposed, nervous and a little lost in front of a lens. Perhaps you’ve never done a professional shoot before. Most photos of you might consist of candid iPhone captures. Or you might feel intimidated about posing and think, “How do these models seem to know their bodies so well?” Maybe you feel a little insecure about how you look. Any time you see a photo of yourself, you only see the one thing you wish you could change.

These experiences are not uncommon and there is no shame in them. What is a shame is being in an environment that doesn’t support you into becoming and loving all that you are right now. You deserve a photographer you can trust to lead and direct you. You deserve to feel safe as you feel your way back into your body and reconnect with yourself. We’ve all experienced camera shyness before, but there is beauty in the way we all bloom differently as we make our way out of it.

Work with artists who embrace your individual realness. Let your vulnerability show. Share your story. Because the truth is there is someone out there who needs to see it. It could be a stranger, a friend or maybe it’s yourself. David Whyte wrote, “Your great mistake is to act the drama as if you were alone.” The fears we carry do not make us so different from each other. We are not alone. When we choose the camera as a way to connect with each other, we show ourselves to the world in a way that is creative, honest and brave.